$5.80 Raised so far
Ok we been doing this for a week now and we have raised the grand total of $5.80. This is where i expected to be after a week. Thanks to you guys clicking on and the ads we are starting to make a difference. Its a small one but the blog has taken 1000 hits in the first week so cant be bad! This is going to be a long and hard process but one which i am determined to stick out to the end. The key is passing it on to as many people as possible and get the volume up!
In the past week i have also come up with another couple of ways to increase traffic! One of the major Irish newspapers have agreed to do a feature on myself and the blog so we will be reaching big numbers there. I have also agreed to become a consultant to a large established crew website with 10,000 active members as their expert on all food matters, with a series of e books, recipies and pictures being available. That should also be up and running within a week so will keep you posted.
Due to the interest in the story i have deceided to hire a compnay to design a professional website! It will also be ready in a week and will take the place of the blog. It will still have the stories of the rich and famous but will also have lots more advertising and generally be a lot more professional. It will also have a large virtual money pot on the homepage showing how much has been raised so far. The idea will be that you can go to the website and see how much money we have raised, what parts of the project are happening and what direction we are moving in. There will also be a place for donations, and a special page for sponsors to advertise.
If anybody has an ideas on how we can make this faster, more interesting to read or just make more hard cash please please let us all know by leaving a comment!!
So even though $5.80 might not seem like a lot the fact is we have started, the cash for the very first brick is in and we are on our way! With newspaper reviews, word of mouth, lots of clicks on the site and ads, and future sponsorships we will be there sooner than you think! Thanks for everything so far and keep it up, remember when this thing is huge, you are the guys who made it possible and were in at the start!
Contact: niallharbison@lycos.com
hey bro keep up the good work
and how are things
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