Well it all came to an end today and i finished working on boats forever! Well i suppose you never say never but if the business goes well the next time i'll be on a yacht is hopefully as an owner and not cooking for others!
I woke up early this morning and went to the airport in St Thomas in the US virgin island to get my flight to puerto rico. I looked at my boarding card and knew it wasn't a good sign when under my "seat number" was written.....co pilot, no jokinh i swear! Basically it turned out to be a 6 seater plane and there i was literally sitting with my face pushed up against the windscreen!

At one stage my knee actually bumped into one of the leavers and the captain got a bit ratty with me! Anyway i survived and got to Puerto Rico and caught my conecting flight to NY!
I've just come back from a quick walk around times square, Maddison Square garden and a bot of shopping! Stumbled upon a little traditional Irish Pub in the middle of all the madnes here and got a great pint of guinness and a roast turkey dinner! There are hundreds of wonderful places to eat and i end up in a pub! I guess i am jut fed up of cooking fancy food for the past 6 months and wanted something traditional!
So i'm off to get a good night sleep as tomorrow i'm going to try and see as much of this great city as possible!
Sad to have left yachts but looking forward to the future! Filming starts in 6 days!
hey Niall I am Annie Batchelder - Ang's mum from South Africa - what a lovely pic of the two of you!! She spoke very fondly of you and all she learnt from you!! Lots of luck with your new project and we look forward to you visiting SA sometime soon!
et alors... what's going on with the TV show and the castle and all that wondeful exciting stuff!?!?
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